Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mid-Week Frugal Progress Report

Alright, so one of my goals for this year is to become more "frugal" and I am looking for absolutely any way possible of doing that. I have found so many amazing resources from amazing people online and I feel like I have accomplished a whole lot this week; so, I am going to write myself a mid-week progress report and give myself a little pat on the back. goes...

Saturday (we'll include this in this week because it was such as AWESOME deal) - At CVS I got a bottle of Fructis Shampoo and 2 One Touch UltraMini Blood Sugar Monitors for $2.77!!! Oh yeah!!! How did I do it? (Unfortunately these deals are "expired") I got the shampoo on sale for $2.99 and used a $1.00 off coupon - $2 ECBs for the shampoo and then I got the Ultra Minis (the other was sold out) on sale for $19.99 each and used 2 "up to $20.00 off" coupons. I had $2.00 ECBs from buying something last week (I forget what) and so once I used those I paid nothing but the savings - $42.97!!! am not diabetic and the plan was to give these to my church emergency care ministry but they don't need them...know any charities I could donate these to?

Tuesday - signed up for a custodial account for my son with Sharebuilder (thanks to Carrie @ - . This promotion "earned" me $50.00 plus $1.00 in stock and only "cost" me $5.00 ($1.00 in stock and $4.00 in fees). I don't actually "have" that money yet but I am going ahead and counting it since I wanna brag.

Wednesday - signed up for a high interest checking account (also thanks to Carrie @ which got me a $25.00 "bonus" in the new account and will net me who knows what over time

Finally, some other things I did this week that I didn't actually get "paid" for but will hopefully work out nicely in the long run are:

Searched with (use this link if you want to sign's FREE and you earn points for searching the website for really cool stuff!!!) and "earned" 9 points so far!!!

Signed up for (use this link if you want to sign's free like swagbucks but you randomly win prizes for searching using this site). I probably won't use this one as much but I will use it at least a few times a day to see if I win anything. The cool thing is...if I win and you sign up under me then you win and if you win then I win (even if one of us wins the car!!!) How awesome is that???

And last but not least...signed up to do two mystery shops the beginning of next week which will earn me free food and $12.50...

Not too shabby huh? At least not for a newbie!!!

Anyways, I was excited so I thought I would share...if you saved something really awesome this week or signed up for something really cool...let me know!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thanks!!! And goals...

Thank you all who posted to my blog asking for links to "frugal" blogs and sites! I am so excited to check out each and everyone of these and not only that; but to pass them on!!! I can't wait to look back in a few months and see the progress I have made with the help of all of you! The pastor at my church always says "If you always do what you've always done; you'll always get what you've always gotten." Well, I have always lived paycheck to paycheck, spending money on things I probably (definitely) didn't need and then looking around wondering why it was I ran out of money before I ran out of week. No more! 2009 is going to be the year that I stop doing what I've always done and start doing what needs to be done to get me to where I want to be and more importantly to where God wants me to be. With that being said I am going to chronical my attempts and "frugality" here on this blog; even if it turns out to be for nothing more than for my own personal remembrance. start things off I'm going to list my goals and how I plan to get there...(you will notice that these are all types of goals...not just those related to being frugal)

1. Hear from God - in order to do this I have to open up the channels of communication. I plan to do this by praying more, reading more, and simply remembering to just get out of the way. It never ceases to amaze me how wrong things go when I try to "fix" them and how right and easy they go when I just get my hands out of the way. I got quite the lesson on this just this past Wednesday...

2. Be a better steward of what God has given me - I am a firm believer that everything I have has been given to me from God and that God will not give me more until he knows I can be trusted with what I already have. Well as hard as it is to admit, I have simply not taken care of that which I have already been entrusted with. My home, my car, my health, etc. can at many times be described as "messy"...not nasty, mind you, but need of some straightening up. In essence, if someone were to ride in my car or stop at my house unexpectedly, I would feel the need to ask them to "excuse the mess." It's going to take some work but in 2009 I'm going to clean up my "mess(es)" and treat them as if they really are of value to me.

3. (probably should be 2a) Be a better steward of my finances - Yesterday at church, my Pastor made the comment that those who have just $100 (any "small" amount will do) would answer the question "How much of that belongs to God?" as "$10 or 10%"...that is the tithe, right? But that those who are truly blessed financially would most likely answer the same question "All of it." It's just a difference in thinking...those who "have money" see things differently from those who are "had by money." Everything I have belongs to God, he requires that I give him back 10% and then he allows me to keep the other 90% of that; how generous of Him!!! But, if I take that other 90% and blow it on silly stuff that isn't going to last or hold no true value then what motivation does He have to bless me with more? I want to take that 90% God has left with me and really do something with it. Of course, I want to support myself and my son but I want to help others too. I want to really give back; I want to be the cheerful giver that God loves! This is where the "frugality" comes in...I want to make sure that I am getting the best deal through coupons, comparison shoppings,, etc., I want to make sure that I am thinking through every "impulse purchase" to make sure that it is really "necessary" and I want to make sure that when I find a great deal that I share it with someone else so that they can be blessed too!

4. Be a better mom - don't let the fact that this is number 4 fool is certainly incredibly important to me but it has taken this position because I believe that if I can accomplish the first 3 goals that this one will follow suit. I am a single mom to an amazing 7 year old; however, we are incredibly busy and often times he gets pushed to the side because of all our other "activities". In 2009, I want to make sure that I spend more "quality" time with Trajan, making sure that he knows that he is what is important to me...not all the other stuff we have going on.

5. Get healthier - well this one just had to be in there because it just wouldn't be right if it wasn't. I can honestly say that I am almost 1/2 the person I was 4 years ago. I had gastric bypass in April of 2005 and since then I have lost approx. 140ish pounds. I still have a ways I would like to go but even if I stop right where I am pounds wise I have made a huge impact on my health. Ok, so onto the "goal" - I don't diet...honestly, It just stinks!!! However, I do thoroughly enjoy exercise and plan to get "healthy" this year through it. I have discovered some absolutely amazing classes at the Y and have to "reign" myself in to keep them from completely overtaking my life. Those classes are: Yoga, Kickboxing, Zumba (oh how I LOVE this class), hip hop dance and belly dancing!!! If you are a member of a gym or consider purchasing a fitness DVD in the near future I would highly suggest any of these (especially Zumba)!!!

Ok, so now onto my financial goals (no explanations...just goals):

1. Pay off bad debt - ok, maybe a little explanation on this one...I have some old bad debt that I haven't been able to pay off from my marriage (I am divorced now) and some bad money management that I would like to have paid off by the end of 2009 (or at least 75% paid off)

2. Have at least 1 month's salary in savings by the end of 2009 (stretch goal - mid-2009)

3. Start a college savings account for my son

4. Increase my monthly giving by 5%

5. Purchase a home!!!

Alright, so that's what I have so far. I know many of you who responded to the previous post asking "Who all is out there?" have goals like this of your own and I would absolutely love to hear your opinions, suggestions, or even concerns about mine. Those of you who just stop by to visit...what are your goals?



Friday, January 9, 2009

Who all is out there???

Alright, so one of my goals for 2009 is to be more "frugal" and one of the ways I have found to accomplish this is by checking out the blogs that are out there by those of you who know much much more than I do. Believe me, I check out all the "frugal finds" daily and often find myself completely engrossed in the things I find...I simply have to force myself to close the page and get to work. With that being said, I am certain that there are LOTS of blogs out there that also have LOTS of information that I simply don't know about; and believe me, I would love to know about YOU!!! If you are seeing this post and feel that you have "vital information" to the masses who want to be frugal but don't know where to start I want a comment from you. This post is partially for me, partially for my step-mom (she recently lost her job and she is BRAND NEW to even coupons!!!) and partially for all my church friends who are as obsessed with coupons and deals as I am but aren't as experienced as you guys (and all those people who visit just to find all this information in one place...hopefully hehe).

Some sites I already frequent and LOVE are (hope you guys don't mind I promoted your sites as my favs without asking first): - earn money reading emails, playing games, taking surveys, etc. (if you sign up use referral ID - oh how I love this site!!! Not only did I find my son's Wii game on ebay (through ebates) for much less than at the brick and mortar store but I also got $$$ back on top of my savings!!! I swear almost every online store is on this site and it is soo easy to use!!! (use as the referring email for this one if you sign up too!!!)

and most recently (still getting acquainted with this one) - thanks to

I also frequent just because I absolutely love how candid and down to earth her posts are!!! Someday I want to be a mom like her...a girl can dream right :)

Are you a blogger I should visit daily and love too??? If so, please introduce yourself and I will be sure to come by...

I need all the help I can get!!!

Jennifer :)