Thursday, February 12, 2009

I got Paid to "Play"

So, as I said on one of my earlier post, I signed up for some mystery shopping companies (courtesy of the advice of Carrie) and I just got my first paycheck deposited right smack dab in my bank account...woohoo. Now don't let the smallness of the amount discourage you, this was only for 2 shops (I'm just getting started and wanted to "test the water" and I work full-time on top of that). My first payday was $26.97...oh yeah!!! Wanna know the breakdown of it? I sure did!

Alright, here goes:

1st shop - Sonic Drive-In (YUMMY!!!) - got paid $5.00 to sit for approx. 20 minutes and enjoy my yummy food and then I got $5.75 in reimbursements for my purchase (I ended up spending like $0.50 cents cuz I ordered a more expensive menu item...mozzarella sticks instead of fries or tots) So all in all that translates into about $15.00/hour with free lunch. Not bad huh? BTW, as far as I have seen so far, the Sonic shops have the lowest shop fee and reimbursement of all the fast food shops at this site.

2nd shop - Five Guys Burgers and Fries (again...YUMMY!!!) - total pay $16.22 - breakdown: $8.22 reimbursement (burger, fries (that I shared with my son) and a drink) and $8.00 shop fee. Total time in the store 30 minutes maybe (we eat kinda quick) = $16.00/hr and free lunch! In case you are wondering the reimbursement amount for this shop is actually more than what I got; I can't eat the "regular" size burger so I get a little burger and the cost is a little less. I believe the actual reimbursement is $10.00 but I could be off. This is also one of the shops that you aren't required to do alone; you do have to pay for the other people in your party's food but they can come along and join you for dinner while you "shop" the store.

Ok, so how awesome is that?!?!?! $26.97 in food and "pay" for going to restaurants and eating food I love and just offering my opinion on the service, cleanliness, quality, etc.

You interested in mystery shopping too??? Well, the company that I performed these shops through is Market Force. Some of the other companies they "shop" for are McDonalds, Office Depot, and Verizon Wireless.

I've done 2 shops so far this month and I have 1 coming up on Friday so this month ought to be a pretty nice "payday" too.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So, I finally have the internet (and cable) at home again...Trajan (my sweet son) could not be more excited; he thanked God for it in his prayers last night lol. With that being said I plan (ok...hope) to really get with this blogging thing. I love looking at all the frugal blogs out there and secretly (ok maybe it's not really a secret) desire to be like them someday. I mean I look at the sales papers each week and I clip coupons; I can do this right??? Well, I can at least get started. With that being said, here is a list of the things I am currently doing to try and whip us into financial shape this year!

Mystery Shopping - I've signed up with lots of companies; some I like and well one I don't like so much. Since I just started in January I have yet to actually get paid/reimbursed so I am going to slow down a little until I get my first round of checks just to make sure it really is worth the time and effort. As soon as the checks start rolling in (hehe) I will report back as to what the verdict is.

Surveys - I've also signed up for lots of online survey sites and have quite a few more to sign up for (not having the internet at home makes for difficulty in doing all the "online" things you desire to do). So far my favorites seems to be Lightspeed Panel and Zoompanel but, like I said I have several more to sign up for so once I get back in the swing of things I will be able to more accurately report which is best for me, and maybe, just maybe it might work for you too.

Search Engines - I search everything, and I do mean everything (I even type in hotmail on to get points) through search engines that reward me for using them. So far the ones I use are (use referral email please and thank you),, an So far I have managed to get my mom on board with me for swagbucks and I have 53 points (and growing). Pretty good for just me and one referral huh? Seriously, if you are still using,, or any of the others to search for stuff, may I ask WHY??? Why not use a site that you can earn free stuff for doing the stuff you are already going to be doing??? Seriously, it's free and you earn stuff for doing it!!!

And as shopping, couponing, and the drugstore "game".

What kinds of other things do you do to "earn" money for you and your family? Are there things I am missing? I am sure there are so how about you tell me and let me join in on the fun.

Oh, and I can't forget all the cashback websites! I have a check coming this month from, I am going to sign up for today and earn some money, and I am signed up with too (haven't earned anything there yet but it will come). These are great sites that pay you back for buying the items you already were going to purchase online. If you decide any of them are for you, use me as your referrer (??? lol) for that too (

