Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I have a confession to make...

I suck! Suck at what you might ask. Well, lots of things but let's start with the most obvious... blogging. You see, I started this blog somewhere around September or October of last year and had the best of intentions of actually keeping it up and blogging regularly. Simply put, I just didn't have (or make) time and honestly, although I can talk a person's head off when they are standing right there in front of me I just didn't know what to say...what does the blogging world want to hear about? Then one day (I admit one day awhile ago...I think you already get the point that I am slow lol) I read on my favorite blog here that you should blog about what you know, what interests you and what is important in your life. So what do I know? Hmm...thinking...still thinking, how about I get back to you on that one. What interests me and what is important to me? My son, church, my family, my friends, reading blogs, saving money and providing a better future for my son.

What else do I suck at? Being "domesticated". I just don't have a homemaker gene in my whole body. Cooking, cleaning, sewing, arts and crafts...all of just passed right by me. Now I realize that you probably have a picture in your mind right now of a pigstye messy home...well, being as though I never cook and we are never home, the house isn't "pristine clean" (you know that clean that makes you scared to sit down on the couch or touch anything with your grubby lil hands) but it isn't "dirty" either. Now back to the statement about never being at home and never cooking, that's where the real "undomesticatedness" comes in. As much as I hate to admit it about 95% of our meals come through a drive-thru window and the 5% that don't either come from us eating at my parent's house or by me cooking some out of a box type dinner. Ok...I heard the gasp of horror now please take your hand and physically push your jaws back together. You see this is a confession, which means that I realize that there is a problem and that I need to make a change. That change is already in the works and I am going to chronicle it here on this blog. For those of you reading (or hopefully the masses that are going to start reading since I am actually going to start talking), my desire is that either my blog help those kindred spirits out there who also find themselves wanting to be domesticated but not quite sure where to start or that those of you who are already domestic divas can help me find my way to a more homemaker like haven.

So, back that that question from above about what I know...I'd like to believe that I know a thing or two about being a single working (outside of the home) mom. I need a lot of help but we have certainly improved over the past 6 years we've been practicing this whole setup. However, with that being said, my desire is to take the knowledge that I have gained from the blogs that I faithfully read and use it to continue to improve our life in the present and our lives in the future.

So, what might you ask is the difference between my blog and the thousands of others out there that tell the same money saving and making methods? I'll tell you...although I will attempt to bring new methods of making and saving money that I didn't find on someone else's blog my main goal is going to be to attempt to show those of you who might find yourself a single, working (again outside of the home) mom or simply just a working mom find the time to actually use the methods you find on here. You see, I have been reading these blogs for months and the ideas are SO great and I really want to put them to use but once I get home from working an 8 hour day at the office, picking up my son, running by the gym, grocery shopping, picking up or occasionally cooking dinner I just don't have the time. Well, I don't have the time unless I stay up extremely late or I spend the little bit of time I actually have alone with my son sitting alone in my bedroom putting those ideas to use. As much as I love the blogs I read, sometimes they seem so intimidating. I could be wrong but every blog I read is either ran by a stay-at-home mom or by a working woman without kids. Although I love the things they have to say, most of their lives are very different than's simply not an option for me to sit down in the middle of a weekday and blog, or look or money making or saving methods online (hence, the reason I am SOO thankful for these dedicated ladies whose blogs I love so dearly). I want to use this blog to not only help others but to also keep myself accountable to actually making the most of my time and resources so that the work these ladies do doesn't go to waste in my life.

So...with that all out of the we go...again. This time, I promise to keep at and work hard at making this blog a blog that people want to read as much as I want to read the blogs I check out daily.

Yours truly...the new and improved Jennifer

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