Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First step towards productivity

I bought a laptop! Ok, yeah, I bought it the 30th of May but I took the plunge and whipped out the debit card and bought the thing! I must say...I LOVE IT!!! Why, you might ask, did I buy it when the goal is to save money and prepare for the future. Well, the reason is that this lil baby gets me closer to my goal. I can tote it around with me when I go places and even better than that I can use it while I sit right beside my lil boy on the couch watching our favorite shows, checking out him kick butt on Monster Jam or while he does his homework. It's great!!! However, it is further incentive for me to actually do this blogging thing and do it right. The things I learn on the blogs I read are going to be used to pay for my laptop.

The things I am going to use the laptop for...

Taking Surveys
Reading emails
Doing mystery shops
Finding deals and sales
Printing coupons
Doing online offers

Maybe even doing a few more online classes (after all I did get my Bachelor's in Business Management through the University of Phoenix).

Each week I am going to do a post telling how much money I made that week (with the laptop) and how I made it. much money do I need to earn to be turn a profit off this laptop...$545.00. I wonder how long it will take me...guess it depends on how dedicated I am.

Bye to get started reading emails and doing surveys tonight...while I catch up on my DVRed stuff from when we were on vacation (Trajan is at granddaddy's so I have the house to myself).


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